The story of the coronavirus unfurled in ways no one could fully foresee. In the chaos of the pandemic’s early months, journalists struggled to capture the sudden and sweeping disruption to nearly every aspect of life on Earth.

To bolster coverage of COVID, Big Local News partnered with news organizations around the world to gather, analyze and publish data, with a focus on the uneven impact on disadvantaged communities.



Big Local News partners

Big Local News contributors


Date Publisher Headline
2022-04-11 Big Local News How journalists supported by Big Local News covered COVID’s costly toll on the disadvantaged
2022-03-03 Muckrock How you can use eviction data and public records to report on housing during the pandemic
2021-12-26 Flint Beat When race data goes missing, how do health leaders combat COVID racial disparities in Flint?
2021-10-16 El Periodico Las muertes por coronavirus fuera de los hospitales de El Salvador
2021-09-21 Salud Con Lupa El Otro Perú
2021-08-23 InfoAmazonia Social and environmental crises come together in Mato Grosso in a year of record burning in the Pantanal
2021-07-22 Muckrock How the Indigenous Investigative Collective use public records to show dire gaps in COVID-19 data access
2021-06-28 mediatractnet COVID-19 Paradox: Nigerian households suffer food price surges, amidst dwindling income
2021-06-08 High Country News A broken system: The number of Indigenous people who died from coronavirus may never be known
2021-06-06 RISE Project “The Syringe” Deal
2021-06-06 RISE Project Nine Planes with Masks
2021-05-29 Missoulian Wide disparity in COVID relief to tribes
2021-05-01 Reveal Rampant racial disparities plagued how billions of dollars in PPP loans were distributed in the U.S.
2021-05-01 Reveal PPP Reporting Network
2021-03-15 Local News Matters Job layoffs spur housing struggles in state even as evictions remain on hold
2020-10-23 Source How California newsrooms teamed up to gather pandemic data
2020-10-15 Source The conversations local newsrooms should be having about COVID-19 coverage
2020-09-10 Los Angeles Times The Times is teaming up with other California newsrooms to track COVID-19
2020-09-08 Public Radio Tulsa Tulsa Landlords Offered Rent To Not Evict, But Few Took The Deal
2020-09-05 Associated Press Georgia renters get few protections, landlords seek to evict
2020-09-05 Associated Press Massachusetts’ protections weren’t enough to stop evictions
2020-09-02 Associated Press Confusion over eviction ban led to selective enforcement
2020-09-01 Source COVID-19 story recipe: A dashboard with at-risk health indicators
2020-05-08 Source COVID-19 story recipe: Analyzing disparate impact based on race, poverty, and vulnerability in your area
2020-05-05 Source A comparison of four major COVID-19 data sources
2020-04-29 Source COVID-19 story recipe: Using AHA data to analyze hospital bed capacity
2020-04-24 Source COVID-19 story recipe: Identifying communities at risk from the pandemic and its economic fallout
2020-04-23 Investigative Reporting Workshop COVID-19 map offers state, county views
2020-04-21 Source How to make sense of all the COVID-19 datasets right now
2020-04-17 Source COVID-19 story recipe: How to see what stocks members of Congress are dumping (or buying)
2020-04-16 The Wrap Stanford University, Google Create Coronavirus Maps for Journalists
2020-04-14 Techcrunch Stanford and Google create an embeddable COVID-19 map for local journalists
2020-04-08 Monterey County Weekly Introducing an interactive Covid-19 mapper for Monterey County and its neighbors.
2020-04-02 Source COVID-19 story recipe: How to analyze your region’s hospital capacity
2020-03-16 Source COVID-19 story recipe: Analyzing nursing home data for infection-control problems