Archived data
The projects below have been archived by the Stanford Digital Repository, which ensures their long-term preservation.

ARCOS Opioid Shipments
Oxycodone and hydrocodone pills sent to pharmacies

Cost of U.S. Wildfires
The price of wildfire response from 2014-2017

Geocoded PPP Loans
Mapping the greatest bailout since the Great Depression

Global Climate Finance
Climate finance data reported by wealthy nations to the UN.

Homeschooling and Private School Enrollment
A shift to nonpublic schools during the pandemic

Hospital Capacity After COVID
An analysis of the American Hospital Association’s 2020 statistics

Nursing Home Staffing Compared to Biden Proposal
Daily staffing levels of nursing homes in 2023

S.F. Kindergarten Lottery
Anonymized data on the district's high stakes system

Stanford School Enrollment Project
Attendance before and after COVID-19

U.S. Rape Clearances
Records from every large law-enforcement agency

U.S. Traffic Stops
Vehicle and pedestrian stops from across the country